Yes to People. Yes to Housing.


Learn about the pro-housing movement and how you can make housing more affordable near you!

We are fighting for housing in Hawaiʻi all kamaʻāina can afford.

Hawaiʻi has the highest cost of living in the nation because we've said “Not In My Backyard” (NIMBY) to building adequate housing supply.

The result: thousands of locals are pushed out to the mainland or into homelessness every year, while Hawaiʻi slides toward becoming an exclusive playground of wealthy property owners. We refuse to allow that to happen - and we refuse to compromise on ensuring that we preserve our environment and retain strong tenant protections along the way.

We say “Yes In My Backyard” (YIMBY) to affordable, sustainable, and inclusive housing for all.

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Our Solutions

Policies we support

Legalize Housing

Allow more housing in every neighborhood, especially historically affluent and exclusionary neighborhoods, removing barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing

Fix Incentives

Reform structures that incentivize communities to say no to new homes, including tax systems and car centric transportation systems.

Streamline Permitting

Make housing permits fast and fair, removing arbitrary barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing.

Increase Housing Stability

Enact policies that support current residents having stable housing choices amid growth.

Fund Affordable Housing

Increase funding for subsidized affordable housing through a wide variety of mechanisms, including direct subsidies.